Gaming for Citizens Advice Cornwall

What is it?

Gaming for Citizens Advice Cornwall is a challenge to stream yourself playing games and raising money which will help us to continue to provide free advice to everyone who needs it.

You can play any game you want and stream on any platform you choose as long as it is age appropriate, although we would prefer games that do not promote gambling or anything that encourages people to get in to debt.

All you need to do is set up your stream and a Just Giving fundraiser and start playing.

How do I take Part?

  1. Visit Just Giving and set up a Gaming Fundraiser or following this link
  2. Decide what game you want to play to stream
  3. Pick a streaming channel such as Twitch
  4. You will also need a broadcasting software
  5. Connect to Livestream fundraising on Just Giving

For a full how to visit

Please also take a look at

Paying in your money

If you are using Just Giving you don’t need to do anything they will sort it for you. If you have collected sponsorship by any other means payments can be made via BACs, please contact us for the details. Or via cheque made payable to CAB Cornwall to Tamsin Chapman-Gunner, Citizens Advice Cornwall, 21 Dean Street, Liskeard, PL14 4AB.