People in Mind Logo
Mental Health Support from Cornwall's Community Sector

People in Mind (PiM) is an innovative multi-agency collaboration to support people with mental ill-health in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly before they reach crisis point.


Citizens Advice Cornwall delivers specialist debt advice as part of the programme, ensuring people accessing the service can focus on improving their mental health free from financial worries.


The service is free, confidential and impartial delivered by experienced and qualified staff. It provides a holistic and tailored advice process, involving debt advice with mental health support and guidance, to meet clients’ needs.


Clients are allocated two advisers who work in tandem – one from Pentreath to support their mental health and one from Citizens Advice Cornwall to deal with their debt and financial issues. The programme of support lasts 16 weeks and the client is then helped to access other services they might need to help them move forward with their lives, when the debt advice process is complete.

People in Mind advisers can help with benefits advice, work and employment, consumer problems, housing, family law and courts and immigration issues. Referral can be made directly to Pentreath or through Citizens Advice Cornwall, by the client or a third party.


They also help clients access other advice and support programmes within Citizens Advice Cornwall.


It is jointly funded by Cornwall Council Public Health and NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board. Led by Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum, it includes Citizens Advice Cornwall, Pentreath, Age UK Cornwall and Isles of Scilly, Cornwall Mind, Young People Cornwall, Chaos Group, CLEAR and Volunteer Cornwall.