Landlords Urged to Seek Help if Rents Dry-Up

Citizens Advice Cornwall is urging landlords to seek help if their own homes and finances are at risk because of tenants’ non-payments of rents during the coronavirus restrictions.

The lockdown restrictions have meant many tenants have been unable to afford their full rents, while the Government has banned landlords from evicting tenants, except for limited cases of anti-social behaviour.

While major landlords with multiple properties, housing associations and local authorities have been able to weather the reduced income, concern is growing for landlords who have just one or two properties and now find themselves in financial difficulties.

Citizens Advice Cornwall Debt and Advice Supervisor, Andrew Berry, said:

“Just like their tenants, some landlords are also facing difficulties navigating the choppy financial waters caused by coronavirus lockdowns.

“This is especially the case for small landlords who rely on rents for a large part of their income, or have a buy to let/rent mortgage on their tenants’ property as the mortgage holiday scheme ended last month.

“We want to work with landlords as well as tenants, to ensure there is still a good stock of housing available for rent in Cornwall. It’s in no-one’s interest for good landlords to be driven out of business because of lockdown which is out of their control.”

Citizens Advice has a team of dedicated advisers who may be able to help landlords and tenants find a solution before eviction notices are served.

Members of the public can contact Citizens Advice by texting the word ADVICE to 78866 and they will be called back by an adviser within 48 hours (excluding weekends)