As the cold weather bites and gas and electricity bills continue to rise, Citizens Advice Cornwall is sharing five Top Tips from our energy team.Interim Chief Executive, Jon Berg, said: “With average fuel bills increasing by 5% this January because of the rise in the...

Our latest report includes information on the people we've helped in the last year, the wonderful work carried out by our project teams and how you can get involved in supporting Citizens Advice Cornwall ...

Our team of staff and volunteers will be taking a well earned break over the Christmas and New Year holidays.This means our service will be closed from 12pm mid-day on Friday 22 December and open again from Tuesday 2 January 2024.(Please note, our offices in...

You can find plenty of useful information about keeping warm this winter, avoiding scammers and knowing your rights when Christmas shopping and how to get help for gambling addictions in the latest Citizens Advice Cornwall newsletter. ...